is industrial cleaning hard?
“Our business has been successful for over 30 years with only one product for sale- Clean Floors”
More than a service.
At Sweep Scrub, we specialise in warehouse cleaning services, providing industrial sweeping and industrial scrubbing, with over 30 years experience. Our warehouse cleaning services are tailored to meet the needs of customers. We consider frequency required and site traffic, before tailoring a warehouse cleaning service schedule, which is mutually beneficial.
When a warehouse floor cleaner is required, does your business have the time and capital to purchase an industrial floor sweeper and an industrial floor scrubber? Does your business want the capital expense for warehouse cleaning? I bet the staff would much rather a fancy new espresso machine? Allow Sweep Scrub to handle your warehouse cleaning, factory cleaning and industrial cleaning.
Everyone in business needs to be budget conscience. When it comes to clean floors, we all want clean warehouse floors. Industrial floors do not typically become clean in one go. Soaps need to be activated and multiple passes are needed to achieve clean. Some areas may need an extra run, while others only need a once over. You might be doing yourself an injustice by only wanting “an hour”. If the area requires 1.5 hours to clean, you could be effectively wasting the first hour. We don’t sell hours, we sell clean floors.
Why call an office cleaner for warehouse cleaning, especially industrial sweeping? Isn’t it better to call an industrial floor cleaner for factory cleaning? Not just any Jim with a broom and mop.
Our Warehouse Cleaning Services include:
warehouse sweeping and warehouse scrubbing
industrial sweeping and industrial scrubbing
chemical degreasing
waste water removal from site
Why choose a Warehouse Cleaning Service vs DIY?
Outsourcing warehouse cleaning has many benefits, some of which are:
Economical we offer affordable, economical and competitive pricing for our warehouse cleaning services. We provide our own equipment and labour, with state of the art machinery constantly being upgraded.
Efficient we try and find a quiet time within your organisation, when you are at low stock levels, to minimise disruption to your staff and maximise floor area cleaned. We will get in, get it done, and go.
Professional we have invested heavily in our team. We know how to best provide a warehouse cleaning service. Bottom line, we might not know much, but we do know clean floors.
Specialty Your business is specialised in what you do. So are we! Why waste time doing what you don’t do best? Quality staff are hard to find. Do you want them providing you a warehouse cleaning service?
We have heard often “I have 10 guys all standing around” Sack one and you will see 9 busy employees…
Or another “All 10 staff clean for an hour every Friday” 10 hours labour. Can we do your warehouse cleaning service, minimising your labour cost by 10 hours? Effectively more than an extra days work?
Warehouse cleaning is not exclusive to warehouses, our industrial cleaning services can also be applied in any factory cleaning application. Start with industrial sweeping, before progressing to industrial scrubbing.