Professional Industrial Floor Cleaning | Sweep Scrub

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Selecting the best way to clean a warehouse floor for your business.

With what?

By who?

A good day is an industrial floor scrubber day.

The best way to clean a warehouse floor will be determined by many factors. A broom, a mop and bucket, and a hose would be some of the simplest ways cleaning was done in the past. Fast forward to today and cleaning has changed.

The literal foundation of any business is the floor upon which it is built. Cleanliness, health, safety, reputation and appearance all starts from the ground up. The occupational health and safety with your workplace starts with a clean floor, or as we like to call it OHSweep. As people become more aware of the role that cleanliness plays in health and safety, companies have increased their cleaning efforts.

These efforts have led many companies to look beyond a mop and bucket, to look at more efficient ways to provide the deep clean that is needed in today’s environment. Demand has increased, necessity has increased, “clean” has changed.

The best way to clean a warehouse floor depends on the type of flooring and the nature of the dirt and debris present on the floor. Here are some general steps that you can follow to clean a warehouse floor:

  1. Clear the floor: Remove any items, debris, or obstacles that may be present on the floor to make the cleaning process easier.

  2. Sweep or vacuum the floor: Use a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris from the floor surface.

  3. Scrub the floor: Depending on the type of flooring, you may need to use a scrubber or floor machine to remove tough stains and dirt. Use a cleaning solution that is appropriate for the flooring material and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

  4. Rinse the floor: Once you have scrubbed the floor, rinse it thoroughly with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution and dirt.

  5. Dry the floor: Use a mop or squeegee to remove excess water and dry the floor. Make sure the floor is completely dry before allowing people to walk on it.

It's important to follow safety guidelines when cleaning a warehouse floor, such as wearing appropriate footwear, using caution around machinery and equipment, and ensuring that the floor is dry and slip-resistant.

Options to clean a warehouse floor using machinery, include an industrial floor sweeper, an industrial floor scrubber, a pressure washer, chemicals, vacuums, blowers (or you can go back to a broom and a mop).

Sweep Scrub have the right equipment to do the right job, first time.

With what?

Broom and mop are tried and proven but take too long.

Sweep Scrub, really complicated, automated brooms and mops.

A blower will make a mess and a dust cloud within the warehouse.

A Pressure washer can be good in the right application. For a vacant warehouse, a pressure washer with vacuum recovery will have merit. The downfall in an active warehouse is excess water and hoses across the floor, meaning down time for your business.

hot water pressure cleaner with recovery

A warehouse floor sweeper will broom and vacuum the area, removing all loose dirt, dust, debris, without the dust cloud that comes from many DIY methods.

pedestrian sweepers for walkways and small warehouses

A warehouse floor scrubber will apply a chemical detergent solution, agitate said solution under pressure and remove in-ground dirt, oils, fats, contaminants.

The Tennant T20 industrial floor scrubber, puts the scrub in Sweep Scrub

Depending on the application, the best way to clean a warehouse floor will be a combination of industrial sweeper, industrial scrubber and possibly a pressure washer.

Regular cleaning is the next thing to consider. Programmed scheduled maintenance, site health and safety audits as per OHSweep guidelines are recommended.

By who?

Once you establish a warehouse floor sweeper and warehouse floor scrubber are most likely the best machines to keep your site clean, the next step is which one and by who? Warehouse staff are the obvious choice to clean the floor. General housekeeping is always required prior to floor cleaning.

Consider the following: Quality staff are hard to find. Did you hire them to clean the warehouse?

A quality industrial floor sweeper, from a reputable brand, built to last, with filtration and after sales service? $8-$12k. A ride-on scrubber to tackle large areas? $85-$100K

We see it time and time again, a company wants to buy an industrial cleaning machine, has a budget about half of what is needed, buys a smaller machine. Said machine can’t cope with doing the job, ends up in the corner not being used because “that machine is no good”.

Before you buy an industrial floor cleaning machine, engage a contractor. A quality contractor will have the right machine, the right know-how, the right chemicals, the right safety procedures, SWMS, insurance at a price that will save your business money long term, provide fixed-price solutions, with no hidden maintenance cost to you.


Call Sweep Scrub and receive a free OHSweep site audit.

Sweep Scrub. We sell clean floors.