what is involved in industrial cleaning?
Warehouse cleaning is sometimes incorrectly overlooked as part of business. Do you have product on racks covered in dust? Do you spend money cleaning stock prior to shipment? The correct industrial floor sweeping regime will significantly cut down stock cleaning requirements, as well as keep stock handling equipment clean, and you too!
Imagine a tree-lined street. When the trees drop the leaves and a car drives through, all the leaves end up in the gutters and there is a defined pathway where the car has been.
The same thing happens in your warehouse with dust. Aisles can actually look cleaner than they really are, with the dust in and under product. When a forklift drives down an aisle way covered in dust, said dust becomes air borne and has a few places to go. Perhaps your staff breathe it in, perhaps the air intake of the forklift, perhaps it settles on product or back on the floor. At Sweep Scrub, we provide the right warehouse cleaning solutions. Whether industrial floor sweeping, warehouse scrubber, factory cleaning, give us a call. 1300 4 79337
New, potential clients will contact us about their industrial cleaning requirements. Often, when we go through this explanation, it can be a bit of a lightbulb moment. We can help find a solution and put in place a maintenance program which is sufficient to stop constant airborne dust.
Why call an office cleaner for warehouse cleaning, especially industrial sweeping? Isn’t it better to call an industrial floor cleaner for factory cleaning? Not just any Jim with a broom and mop.
Sweep Scrub sweepers will filter airborne contaminants (dust) to 0.5 microns. (1 mm3 = 1000 microns)
how do you clean industrial floors?
Many businesses tried and proven method:
Vacuum and broom floors (Industrial Sweeper)
Apply a soap and water solution, agitated with a surface specific brush (Industrial Scrubber)
Establish and maintain a factory cleaning schedule.
It's essential to find a floor-cleaning approach that not only meets your warehouse cleaning requirements but also helps increase your productivity – both in time and labour. Let Sweep Scrub provide both the time and labour, with our warehouse cleaning services, using an industrial floor sweeper and industrial floor scrubber, allowing you to focus on core business.
“Clean” can mean anything from getting rid of chunks of dirt on the floor to creating a shiny, scuff-free surface.